
Descripción general

With the Calendly app for Slack, it's easy to stay updated on your schedule. Once connected, you'll get automatically notified when a Calendly meeting is booked or updated. Plus, you'll get a daily breakdown of your daily Calendly meetings.

You can also share your Calendly booking link within Slack by using the /calendly shortcut or the Share Event Type button in the app's home tab. Less time switching tools, more time for important tasks.

Disponible con

  • Plan gratuito
  • Plan estándar
  • Plan de equipos
  • Plan empresarial

With the Calendly app for Slack, it's easy to stay updated on your schedule. Once connected, you'll get automatically notified when a Calendly meeting is booked or updated. Plus, you'll get a daily breakdown of your daily Calendly meetings.

You can also share your Calendly booking link within Slack by using the /calendly shortcut or the Share Event Type button in the app's home tab. Less time switching tools, more time for important tasks.

Características + beneficios

Stay updated

Stay updated

Stay updated on your latest schedule updates while the app notifies you instantly when a meeting is booked, rescheduled, or canceled.

Daily overview

Daily overview

Visit the Calendly app home tab for a breakdown of your daily Calendly schedule.

Nunca abandones Slack

Nunca abandones Slack

Access and share your Calendly links with internal or external contacts without ever leaving Slack.

Acceso fácil para reservas fáciles

Comparta su enlace de Calendly directamente desde su navegador, para que pueda programar reuniones sin tener que cambiar de pestaña

Comparta su enlace de Calendly directamente desde su navegador, para que pueda programar reuniones sin tener que cambiar de pestaña